reception n. 1.接收;收容。 2.接见,招待(会),欢迎;欢迎会。 3.入会,入会许可。 4.所受待遇。 5.承认,公认。 6.领悟,感受。 7.【无线电】接收(力)。 a warm reception 热烈的接待;猛烈的抵抗。 a reception area 空袭避难人收容区,躲警报的地区。 a favourable reception 好评。 give a reception to 招待,欢迎。 have a great faculty of reception 领会力很强。 hold a reception 举行欢迎会。 n. -ist 〔美国〕(照相馆、牙科医院等的)接待员。
They gave prince andrey an unmistakably cordial reception, as one of themselves a distinction they allowed to few 看起来,这些有绅士派头的人都乐意吸收安德烈公爵加入他们的团体,认为他是自己人他们对少数几个人表示尊敬。
Mrs linton, recalling old times, would have me give you a cordial reception; and, of course, i am gratified when anything occurs to please her 他终于说:“想起往日,林敦夫人要我诚意地接待你。当然,凡是能使她开心的任何事情,我都是很高兴去做的。”
During our stay in tamanique county, many households earnestly invited us to stay in their homes temporarily; their cordial reception warmed our hearts 当我们停留达玛尼克郡期间,许多家庭热忱地邀请我们暂宿他们家中,他们的盛情接待,令我们感到温馨满怀。
No wonder she is praised as the quintessential hostess . the many guests and performers at the concert felt that they had enjoyed a most cordial reception, because in her heart and actions, master deeply respects and cares for each person . her nature is love, and this is manifested in her outward behavior toward all people 许多贵宾及演出者都觉得备受礼遇,因为师父是发自内心地尊重与关切每一个人,师父对人的爱心也完全是自然流露,其细心程度令人回味不已,没有一件事被忽略掉,没有一个人她没注意到。